Ever feel like there are a million parenting "shoulds" out there, and you just can't keep up?

... I can totally relate

Like most moms, as my kids grew older, I felt overwhelmed! They seemed to need totally different approaches, and all the online advice felt generic. It was like, "Just say this!" or "Do that!" But what if "that" doesn't work for your strong-willed toddler or your shy preteen?

Turns out, I wasn't alone! That's when I realized my background in child development (with a bachelor's and master's degree) and working with over 1,000 families could actually help. There had to be a better way to support moms beyond one-size-fits-all scripts.

That's why I became a Certified Parent Coach. I'm here to help you ditch the information overload and gain the confidence to navigate your unique family. We'll figure out what works for each of your kids, and you'll feel like you have a roadmap on how to handle things.

Education and Experience

  • Bachelor's Degree in Middle Childhood Education
  • Master's Degree in School Counseling
  • Middle School Counselor for 13+ years
  • PCI Certified Parent Coach


  • Worked with over 1,000 middle school students and families 
  • Over 100 hours as a Certified Parent Coach 
  • District Counseling Representative for 5+ years, leading and advocating for the K-12 counseling department in my district
  • Numerous presentations to students, families, and staff


  • Married for over 9 years 
  • Mom to 3 wonderful kids 
  • Excited to connect and support as many moms as possible!
Ashley O. Parent Coach

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